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Ruby 7.75 Carat

Regular price Rs. 124,000.00 INR
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Product Description:
Ruby Gemstone, popularly known as 'Manik' in Hindi, is a stunning gemstone that symbolizes passion, love, and strength. A high-quality Ruby displays captivating hues ranging from deep red to vibrant pinkish-red. In Vedic Astrology, Ruby is closely connected with the Sun – the supreme source of energy and light.


  • Color: Red
  • Cut/Shape: Oval/Mixed
  • Finish: Natural
  • Origin: Barma
Benefits of Wearing a Ruby:
  • Boosts Confidence: As it represents the powerful Sun planet in Astrology, wearing Ruby tends to instill confidence and self-assurance within individuals.
  • Promotes Leadership Abilities: Known for enhancing leadership skills while fostering an assertive attitude paired with decisive actions; making it extremely beneficial for career enhancement or business growth.
  • Stress Relief & Emotional Well-being: This beautiful gem encourages emotional stability by dispelling negative thoughts/energy thereby facilitating improved mental health.
  • Rich Life & Prosperity: With its strong influence on attracting wealth; flaunting a Ruby can lead one towards better opportunities for financial gains/progressions.
  • Increased Creativity & Passion: Fortifying creative impulses accompanied with deeper passions will spark inspiration especially amongst artists or those who work creatively within their careers/businesses.
  • Good Health: The Astrological powers promoted by this lovely stone may contribute significantly toward overall physical well-being.
Healing & Spiritual Effect
Ruby’s transformative healing properties resonate strongly with matters related to protection against negativity whilst promoting inner peace through balancing emotional shifts. This effectively aids spiritual growth and improves meditation practices, allowing individuals to seek harmony between heart & mind.
Simple Steps To Wear Ruby Gem For The First Time
  • Choose Auspicious Date and Time: Before wearing the gemstone, consult an Astrologer to determine an auspicious date and time for the wearing ceremony. This time should align with favorable planetary positions and should not clash with any inauspicious periods.
  • Purification: On the chosen day, purify the gemstone by dipping it in a bowl of clean water mixed with a pinch of turmeric powder or Ganga Jal (holy water). This step is believed to cleanse the gemstone of any negative energies it may have absorbed.
  • Wear on the Right Day and Time: Vedic Astrology suggests wearing the gemstone on the right day & time as per the wearer’s Birth Chart is very crucial as it helps in maximizing the benefits. Hence, you must consult an Astrologer to know a suitable day & time to ensure the best results.
  • Metal Setting and Finger: The gemstone should be set in the appropriate metal (gold, silver, or as advised by the Astrologer) and then placed in a ring or pendant. The Astrologer will also guide you on which finger to wear the gemstone based on your birth chart and the specific gemstone.
  • Prayers and Intentions (Sankalp): Before wearing the gemstone, take a moment to offer prayers and set your intentions. You can focus on your goals, aspirations, and what you seek from the gemstone's energy.
  • Regular Cleansing: After wearing the gemstone, it's essential to regularly cleanse it as per the guidelines mentioned earlier. This will ensure that the gemstone's energies remain pure and effective.
Always follow the advice of your Astrologer and wear the gemstone as per their recommendations. Properly cared for and consecrated, your gemstone will serve as a powerful tool to support your spiritual and Astrological journey.
Who Should Wear It
A Ruby can be worn by anyone irrespective of their age, gender, or zodiac. However, wearing any gemstone should be guided by a knowledgeable Astrologer, taking into consideration an individual's Astrological factors and intentions.

Ruby gemstone is often recommended for individuals seeking enhanced confidence, leadership qualities, creativity, and improved vitality. It is particularly beneficial for those with a strong Sun placement in their birth charts, but personalized advice from an Astrologer is recommended to determine its suitability and potential benefits based on individual Astrological factors.

You can also consult expert Astrologers at Anytime Astro know which Gemstone will benefit you the most. We are committed to providing one-on-one Astrological consultations for both personal and professional difficulties. Our Astrologers not only identify the Planets & Chakras that require balancing as per your Birth chart analysis but also provide recommendations that can align with that information. You can book and avail personal consultation with renowned Astrologers via call, chat, or live sessions.
Cleaning & Caring Tips for Ruby Gemstone
  • Gentle Cleaning: Clean your Ruby regularly with warm, soapy water and a soft brush. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or brushes that could scratch the surface.
  • Avoid Extreme Temperatures: Avoid exposing your Ruby to extreme heat or rapid temperature changes, as this can cause thermal shock and damage the gem.
  • Avoid Chemicals: Keep your Ruby away from harsh chemicals, including household cleaners, perfumes, and cosmetics. These substances can dull the gem's shine and potentially damage its surface.
  • Storage: Store your Ruby separately from other gemstones and jewelry to prevent scratches. Consider using a soft pouch or a jewelry box with individual compartments.
  • Refrain from Impact: Rubies are durable, but they can still chip or crack upon impact. Avoid wearing Ruby stone during activities that might subject it to forceful impacts.
  • Regular Energy Cleansing: As per Vedic Astrology, gemstones absorb energies, so it's beneficial to cleanse your Ruby regularly. You can do this by placing it in a bowl of clean water mixed with a pinch of salt overnight or exposing it to early morning sunlight for a few hours.
  • Avoid Synthetic Gem Testers: Refrain from using synthetic gem testers or ultrasonic cleaners, as they can negatively impact the gemstone's vibrations.
  • Recharging the Energy: To refresh the energy of your Ruby gemstone, you can place it under sunlight for a short period. However, avoid extended exposure to direct sunlight, as this can fade the color of the gem over time. Intentional visualization or positive affirmations can also be used to infuse the Ruby with renewed energy, enhancing its metaphysical properties.
  • Remember that the care requirements might vary depending on the type of Ruby, its setting, and any treatments it has undergone. If in doubt, it's always best to consult with a reputable jeweler or gemstone expert for specific care instructions tailored to your Ruby.
Assured Authenticity with Certification
Anytime Astro is determined to provide you with 100% lab tested and certified Gemstones that are natural and authentic. Please note that it is very important to buy genuine & real Gemstones to attain the best results. Hence, irrespective of buying from Anytime Astro or not, please remember to carry out proper checks on vendors before purchasing any product and seek proper certification.

Always purchase only authenticated pieces; remembering that lower-priced ones could possibly imply fake Gemstone being presented as genuine.
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